CONTAINER — New / One-Trip

ISO / Ship­ping con­tain­ers are main­ly man­u­fac­tured in Asia and shipped to Europe with one load. For this rea­son, we also use the term ’new/ one trip’ for new ship­ping con­tain­ers.

Handling in container terminals

After arriv­ing in the Euro­pean sea­ports, the con­tain­ers are first stored in the con­tain­er depots or the con­tain­er vehi­cles bring them direct­ly to the next depar­ture ship or train ter­mi­nal. This is fol­lowed by fur­ther trans­port to the con­tain­er ter­mi­nals in Switzer­land.

Dif­fer­ent han­dling aids such as spread­ers, reach­stack­ers, etc. are used in the var­i­ous ter­mi­nals and depots to load the con­tain­ers onto the trucks, trains or ships

Possible signs of wear when handling

This han­dling in the ter­mi­nals with the var­i­ous lift­ing vehi­cles is one of the main rea­sons why new / as-new / one-trip con­tain­ers are with slight to medi­um signs of wear, dents and light to medi­um soil­ing inside (but this con­cerns a load from Asia to Europe) and out­side .

How­ev­er, we strive to exclude major dam­age to new / one-trip con­tain­ers or have the con­tain­ers checked for major dam­age before deliv­ery.


Con­tain­ers, whether new or used, you can find var­i­ous designs, sizes and col­ors in our inquiry shop.

On request, we also offer you var­i­ous mod­i­fi­ca­tions, logo place­ments, let­ter­ing and the new col­or­ing accord­ing to your desired col­or.

We look for­ward to your inquiry.


- Sea con­tain­ers


- 20′ Con­tain­er
— 40′ Con­tain­er
— 45′ Con­tain­er


- Grosse Auswahl
— Gute Gebraucht-Qual­ität
— Foto­sser­vice
— CSC geprüft
— Wind- & wasser­fest