COLORS / stock & custom colors

So that the prices of sea- and stor­age con­tain­ers remain eco­nom­i­cal, they are usu­al­ly pro­duced in uni­form RAL col­ors and large quan­ti­ties.

Through our large sup­pli­er net­work we can offer you the stan­dard con­tain­ers (20 ‘and 40’) in many dif­fer­ent col­ors from stock (see Inquiry selec­tion mod­ule)

Desired color according to RAL

Depend­ing on the con­tain­er type and quan­ti­ty (often from approx. 10 pieces), new con­tain­ers can be ordered from the man­u­fac­tur­er in your desired col­or (accord­ing to RAL) and at no extra charge.

Depend­ing on the con­tain­er type and man­u­fac­tur­ing plant, a deliv­ery time of approx. 2–6 months must be expect­ed.

Color as desired (in RAL)


We also have the option of repaint­ing or re-col­or­ing sea con­tain­ers (depend­ing on require­ments with 1‑component or 2‑component col­or).

Large selection of standard colors

Thanks to our large sup­pli­er net­work, we already have var­i­ous stan­dard col­ors, which you can find in our Inquiry selec­tion mod­ule under the indi­vid­ual con­tain­ers.


- Sea con­tain­ers


- 10′ Con­tain­er
— 20′ Con­tain­er
— 40′ Con­tain­er
— 45′ Con­tain­er


- Large selec­tion of stan­dard col­ors
— Repaint (RAL col­or)
— Logo place­ments
— Let­ter­ing as desired