Container disposal

Since sea con­tain­ers are struc­tural­ly sta­ble, mobile and water­proof, they are often used for the tem­po­rary stor­age of goods of all kinds, as well as for oth­er pur­pos­es. Most­ly made of steel or alu­minum, old ship­ping con­tain­ers can be repaired and refur­bished or almost com­plete­ly recy­cled. Con­tain­ers that can­not be recy­cled into new steel prod­ucts are often refur­bished as stor­age units or reused for oth­er pur­pos­es.

How­ev­er, if the repair of your con­tain­er (ship­ping, stor­age, office or res­i­den­tial con­tain­er) is no longer worth­while or you would just like to have it dis­posed, we will be hap­py to col­lect it from you after plac­ing the order and have it prop­er­ly dis­posed.

Through our long-stand­ing net­work, we have a wide vari­ety of vehi­cles for pick­ing up the dif­fer­ent con­tain­er types. On request, we can also load it with a truck crane.

We look for­ward to your inquiry.


- Sea con­tain­ers
— office con­tain­er
— stor­age con­tain­er
— Quick build con­tain­er


- 10′ Con­tain­er
— 20′ Con­tain­er
— 40′ Con­tain­er
— 45′ Con­tain­er


- Pick-up on site
— Crane recharge
— Prop­er dis­pos­al