Container repairs — sea containers

Con­tain­ers are exposed to a wide range of nat­ur­al and envi­ron­men­tal influ­ences dur­ing trans­port and stor­age. The con­tain­ers are also bur­dened by addi­tion­al loads when han­dling, as well as when set­ting up and set­ting down the con­tain­ers

Togeth­er with part­ner depots in Basel, we are also hap­py to take care of repairs of sea- and stor­age- con­tain­ers or refrig­er­at­ed con­tain­ers (refrig­er­at­ed sea con­tain­ers) Sea con­tain­ers are checked and logged in accor­dance with the inter­na­tion­al CSC reg­u­la­tions. After send­ing the cost esti­mate and receiv­ing your con­sent, the con­tain­ers will be repaired.

Repair work is usu­al­ly car­ried out in the depot in Basel. We also take care of the return trans­port to and from the depot, as well as with crane load­ing and unload­ing on request.

Most of the work and ser­vices (inspec­tion, repair, clean­ing, etc.) are done in the con­tain­er depots. These are usu­al­ly locat­ed where emp­ty sea con­tain­ers are tem­porar­i­ly stored between unload­ing and reload­ing. This means in the sea and inland ports, as well as in larg­er rail han­dling ter­mi­nals such as Basel

For inquiries about repair or service work, we ask for the following details:

  1. Con­tain­er­typ
  2. Descrip­tion of the dam­age (please also send pho­tos)
  3. If col­lec­tion is desired, then we ask for the pick-up loca­tion and whether we should load it with a truck crane.
  4. Accord­ing to which stan­dard must the con­tain­er be repaired (accord­ing to CSC, WWT, …)?

Container repairs


- Sea con­tain­ers


- 10′ Con­tain­er
— 20′ Con­tain­er
— 40′ Con­tain­er
— 45′ Con­tain­er


- Trans­port to Con­tain­erde­pot
— Col­lec­tion by truck crane (on request)
— Repairs accord­ing to your require­ments