Do you want to out­source your sup­ply chain/logistics activ­i­ties or parts of it? Then you are right with us.

So that you can ful­ly con­cen­trate on your core com­pe­ten­cies and opti­mize them, we are hap­py to take on your logis­tics tasks.

Out­sourc­ing sup­ply chain activ­i­ties allows you to reduce logis­tics costs, have more time for your core com­pe­ten­cies, and meet your cus­tomer needs more effec­tive­ly. Our goal as your logis­tics provider is to improve your deliv­ery per­for­mance, reduce logis­tics costs and thus improve your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

Our net­work of var­i­ous logis­tics part­ners in Switzer­land and many parts of the world enables us to offer almost all the nec­es­sary ser­vices along the entire sup­ply chain. Our ser­vice includes:

- Ware­house logis­tics
— Pur­chas­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion
— Import and Export
— Air, sea and land trans­port
— Cus­toms clear­ance, export and import dec­la­ra­tions, off­set­ting, invoic­ing etc.
— Pack­ag­ing of nor­mal and over­size goods

Our goal is achieved when we con­tin­u­ous­ly reduce your logis­tics costs and can still always meet your require­ments

We are look­ing for­ward to hear from you.