In order to do jus­tice to the dif­fer­ent cus­toms pro­ce­dures, we work togeth­er with expe­ri­enced cus­toms experts.

This enables us to offer you flex­i­ble and pro­fes­sion­al cus­toms clear­ance for a wide vari­ety of cus­toms cri­te­ria. (how­ev­er, we can only do this if the trans­port is also car­ried out by us)

We would be hap­py to take care of the cus­toms for­mal­i­ties for you and sup­port you in cre­at­ing the cus­toms doc­u­ments.

Customs services


- Export clear­ance (NCTS, E‑Dec)
— Import clear­ance
— Car­net ATA — clear­ance
— EU cus­toms clear­ance
— tran­sit han­dling