Air freight — when fixed costs have to be reduced and deliv­ery times have to be short­ened.

Our access to all air­lines and our glob­al agent net­work enables speed and a high degree of flex­i­bil­i­ty help us to achieve these goals. Many years of expe­ri­ence in the area of single‑, col­lec­tive- and char­ter air freight ensures reli­a­bil­i­ty — which is often cru­cial.

As a small, dynam­ic team, we offer you uncom­pli­cat­ed solu­tions and direct con­tacts to meet the high­est logis­ti­cal require­ments. The advan­tages of short response times through tai­lor-made solu­tions are obvi­ous.

We would be hap­py to opti­mize your tran­sit times too and thus increase your effi­cien­cy.


- Com­mer­cial goods
— Dan­ger­ous goods (DGR)
— Refrig­er­at­ed goods
— Heavy- / over­size goods


- Sin­gle & col­lec­tive air freight
— Full & par­tial char­ter


- Door-to-Door
— Cus­toms clear­ance
— Ver­sicherung
— Ver­pack­ung
— neu­tral­iza­tion
— label­ing
— Stor­age