Con­tact details

Rick­en­bach­strasse 45
6430 Schwyz

Tel.: +41 / (0)41 — 811 30 03

Per­sons autho­rized to rep­re­sent the com­pa­ny
Peter Schmied, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

Com­pa­ny name entered in the com­mer­cial reg­is­ter:

K. Schmied inter­nat. Trans­porte & Han­dels AG

Num­mer: CH-–2
Com­mer­cial Reg­istry Office: Schwyz

VAT num­ber: CHE-107.962.018 MWST

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This imprint was created on 02.08.2012 with the imprint generator of the company Brunner AG, Druck und Medien, in Kriens. Brunner AG, Druck und Medien, in Kriens assumes no liability.