Care­ful plan­ning is required to ensure that your trade fair goods arrive at the world­wide trade fair cen­ters at the agreed time.

Togeth­er with our long-term trans­port and logis­tics part­ners, who are spread all over the world, we make sure that your trade fair goods are deliv­ered to the trade fairs on time and accord­ing to sched­ule.

On request, we also take care of the pro­fes­sion­al and safe pack­ag­ing, the inter­me­di­ate stor­age and take over the han­dling of the cus­toms for­mal­i­ties for you (tem­po­rary import, Car­net ATA pro­cess­ing etc.)

Trade Fair Logistics - worldwide


- Time­ly deliv­ery
— Air, Land & Sea trans­porta­tion
— Cus­toms clear­ance (ATA car­net)
— Pack­ag­ing ser­vice
— Trans­port insur­ance


- Gen­er­al car­go (> 30 kg or > 1/2 m³)
— Com­plete goods (FCL)