Despite the great­est care when trans­port­ing your goods, dam­age or theft can­not be ruled out in the some­times com­plex flow of goods and glob­al­ized divi­sion of labor.

Even if the logis­tics ser­vice providers are legal­ly liable for this, it is com­mon prac­tice in the trans­port indus­try for them to lim­it their lia­bil­i­ty in the event of loss or dam­age or, in cer­tain cir­cum­stances, to com­plete­ly exclude them. Nor­mal­ly, the car­ri­ers and freight for­warders base their lia­bil­i­ty on the weight of the ship­ment or the num­ber of pack­ages.

The lia­bil­i­ty lim­it of the freight for­warder is sub­ject to the gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of Sped­log­wiss (lat­est ver­sion) which can be viewed at the fol­low­ing link> ABG’s Sped­log­wiss.

A trans­port insur­ance pro­tects your cap­i­tal in the sense that in the event of loss or dam­age, the replace­ment val­ue of your goods will be reim­bursed. At the same time you deter­mine the costs, the cov­er­age and the desired ser­vice.

We would be hap­py to advise you com­pre­hen­sive­ly on the sub­ject of trans­port insur­ance.

Transport Insurance


- trans­port insur­ance