Buy or rent containers

We offer con­tain­ers (ship­ping con­tain­ers, stor­age con­tain­ers and quick-build con­tain­ers) for PURCHASE or RENT in a wide vari­ety of sizes, types and col­ors. Our main range includes a large range of sea con­tain­ers, as these con­tain­ers are above all robust and durable, and can also be shipped world­wide through our own ship­ping com­pa­ny (pro­vid­ed those have a valid CSC stick­er).

This is prob­a­bly why sea con­tain­ers are used nowa­days for a wide vari­ety of pur­pos­es and projects.

For unload­ing with­in Switzer­land, we offer a wide vari­ety of unload­ing options, where­by a truck’s own crane is most often used to unload EMPTY ship­ping con­tain­ers.

Rent Container

Container PURCHASE

Here is the free request for the pur­chase of con­tain­ers of the fol­low­ing types:

  • Ship­ping con­tain­er
  • Stor­age con­tain­er
  • Reefer con­tain­er
  • Quick-build con­tain­er

10′ Storage container

BUY container (free request)
Con­tain­er PURCHASE (request)

Container RENT

How­ev­er, if you are inter­est­ed in rent­ing con­tain­ers, you can find details about our RENTAL CONTAINERS at‑2/ .

How­ev­er, you can also send your rental request direct­ly at or by tel. (041 811 30 03) to us.

  • 10′ Stor­age con­tain­er
  • 20′ ship­ping con­tain­er / stor­age con­tain­er
  • 40′ ship­ping con­tain­er
  • 20′ & 40′ refrig­er­at­ed sea con­tain­ers
Container RENT (free request)
Con­tain­er RENT (request)

Leergewicht *Nut­zlast *
ca. 1000 kgmax. 6 t